Thursday, May 5, 2011

why is it important for teenagers to eat healthy foods?

            Healthy eating in general is something that everyone should try to shoot at but especially teenagers. Many teenagers are not practicing healthy eating because they are too lazy to watch what they eat. Often time's teens wont think twice about eating fast food or having a soft drink because simply, it tastes good. But this is one of the critical times during your life to eat healthy.
            During the teenage years, the human body goes through puberty and grows very significantly. That means that the body is going to need lots of nutrients to be healthy. Iron and Calcium are two minerals that are essential in the growth of teens. Eating the right foods with the right vitamins can help teens to have a strong and healthy body.
            As teenagers grow, their appetite grows as well. Some teens will find them selves always hungry and many teens will see an increase in the amount of meals they eat in a day. The reason is the body needs fuel to keep us growing and healthy. So eating right is very important, we need to give our body good fuel to run on and we will be more efficient.
            Healthy eating may be hard during teenage years due to many things. For example many girls are obsessed with have the perfect magazine body. So they don’t eat enough food and it is really unhealthy for the body. Also many guys are approaching their prime physical ability so they participate in sports. Some of those particular sports require them to be a certain weight and like the girls many tend to starve themselves and the body isn’t getting enough fuel.
            Eating Healthy during teenage years is extremely important. It is very important for puberty and growth, and since we get a greater appetite, choosing the right foods is ideal. Lastly just avoiding under eating is important because the body need to have its proper fuel. 

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